So this past week or so has been quite stressful and the emotions are running high. So much is happening and taking its toll on both of us. I personally got the stomach flu on Sunday night, really unexpectedly, and my roommates are both sick as well, one with bronchitis. This has not helped to deplete my stress or concern.

As the day draws nearer, it occurs to me that I still have so much to do! One of these, which was probably the most important, was getting my interview with the Bishop and Stake President. Luckily I was able to get both of these done last night. Afterwards, I was awakened and prompted to realize the importance of what was about to take place. Sometimes it is hard to remember the real reasons for doing this, we just get caught up in the preparing and the event- not each other.

So I decided to sit and ponder. It was nice to step back and take a look at all Brad and I had been through. All of the good times and the hard ones too. I was able to remember that it is about WHO I am marrying, not when or how big the event will be. He is an amazing guy. I am so blessed to be getting married to him.

He’s been working really hard on a project for the past couple of weeks, and today was the big presentation. There were three teams who worked to create an amazing campaign in order to compete with one another and show some “high-up” people what they are made of. Well, Brad and his team showed them what they were made of. They won the competition! Bradley did an amazing job on this, and this makes the second competition this year. (One last semester, and now this). This will be great for his resume and hopefully help get us an internship next summer as well.

I’M SO PROUD OF HIM! But the main reason I am writing this right now is that he is dead asleep on my couch right now catching some z’s due to his hard work. I went out there for some water, and couldn’t resist taking a few snapshots on my phone. Here they are!

I have found the right one.

Bradley and I just had our six month anniversary! I cannot believe that it has been that long, and yet it sometimes seems much longer. We had a nice time and enjoyed talking to each other about life. I am excited to start our new life together. My love for him grows each day as we face challenges and good times. I still sometimes cannot believe that this is really happening, and sometimes I don’t feel quite prepared, but then I remember how I feel when I think about marrying him and the timing, and the spirit overwhelms me and confirms that this is how it is to be.

I cannot believe how close our wedding day is! 17 DAYS! I have to admit that the time has just flown by. Now the stress is kicking in and I hope that I will be able to cope with it all and enjoy myself. I just wanted to tell a little story.

So Bradley and I went to get our marriage license today, and while we were there filling out our separate forms, another couple comes in all dressed up. They ask for a marriage license and are told to fill out the forms. On the form the first thing it asks for is the date that you plan to be married. The girl turns to her fiance and asks him what the date today is. I kind of giggle to myself, thinking, “No silly, you put the date that you plan to be married, not today’s date!” But I figure they will find out sooner or later. Then they go to the lady and they sit down. The lady says “Oh you’re getting married today! Did you just decide to wait till the last day to get your license?” They tell her no and that they had just decided yesterday to get married…. So she then asks the couple at what time they are getting married and they tell her 2 PM. It is 1:05 at that time. They are getting married in a church and just had to go see the bishop before the marriage ceremony.

Through all of this, I realized how lucky and grateful I was to be able to prepare for my wedding day! They must have had an exciting day, but they missed out on all the blessings of planning and preparing. I am so glad that I get to marry in the temple. That is a blessing that I am not willing to part with. I am sure they will be happy, but I feel as though I will be happier.

As the time draws nearer, I feel the days seem a little longer. The past few weeks have gone unbelievably fast, but this week is crawling by. I think this might have to do with the fact that I am a lot busier this week and will be for the remainder of my single life. Everyone has been so good to me and helpful through all of this and I thank all of you! This is such an exciting time in my life and I love being able to have all of you a part of it! So I would just ask that y’all pray for me and help me be patient and prepared for what is to come.

I am starting to calm down a little because we were finally able to find bridesmaid skirts and shirts, and some shoes. That has been such a relief! So pretty much things are working out and coming along nicely.

Brad and I just found out that we are for sure going to New York for his internship this summer. We leave on May 4th to NY and he starts work the next morning. It should be an exciting adventure for us and we are looking forward to it. He will be interning at Young and Rubicam. It is a 7 week program and so it should be 7 weeks of work and fun. It will be a very busy time for us as we get married the 25 of April, then have an Open house in Hurricane on the 30, fly to TX on May 1st, have an Open House there on the 2nd, then fly out back to Hurricane on the 3rd, then fly to NY on the 4th!!! It will all be worth it I am sure…. gulp. 😉

Well, time to go study for finals finish up papers and get the show on the road! I’ll try and keep y’all posted as the day comes!


The halfway mark of our engagement has come and gone… deep breath, its really happening!  Some of my favorite moments so far:

  1. Proposing to the love of my life with purpley blue frostbitten fingers.
  2. Heather finding Orion in the sky before me every single night.
  3. Seeing Heath in her Kenyan tribal dance blouse every few Sundays or so.
  4. Getting winked at.  Sends shivers down my spine.
  5. Laughing my head off with Heath watching Bedtime Stories.
  6. Shooting off my overly-male-and-therefore-less-than-tactful-mouth and trying to recover.  (if you are male or know anyone that is, you know what I’m talking about)
  7. Seeing Heather’s freckles come out when its sunny.
  8. Throwing Heath a touchdown pass for the win.  She’s Jerry Rice material, great receiver.
  9. Trying to make smoothies with a less-than-capable blender.  Think pulp.  Lots of pulp.
  10. Long car rides to Hurricane with my brown eyed girl by my side, talking about anything and everything.

On a good day, you never really know what kind of curve balls life will throw at you.  At the threshold of such a life-changing event as my marriage to Heather, the uncertainty is even greater.  And I couldn’t be more excited.  There are a lot of changes headed our way – we’re going to be a family now.  As we step out of the temple doors, the world stretching out before us, it won’t be the same hand I’ll be holding.  It will no longer be the hand a just a girl that I have loved, but the woman that I will spend eternity with.  The air that I’m breathing, the challenges I face, the ground that I walk on – it won’t be the same either.  It will all change, because I’ll be inseperably connected to my sweetheart forever, and every breath that I take is tied to hers.  My challenge will be hers as well, and vice versa.  The path that I take won’t just depend on my whims for travel any longer, but will be determined by our direction in life as one.  I don’t know if I can really explain how that makes me feel.  I’m not sure I even know or can fully dissect the flood of emotion that fills my soul every morning when I realize that I’m marrying my best friend.  There’s a lot of you out there that have known her even longer than I have, and you should count yourselves among the lucky for that reason.

There are a lot of things I don’t know about the coming months.  For one, I don’t even know for sure where we’re going to be living even two weeks after we’re married.  I’m headed to New York starting in May sometime to do an internship with an ad agency over there.  That’s the plan anyway – with the economy how it is and competition for slots fiercer than ever, many agencies are waiting until the last minute to make any kind of commitment.  That leaves me here in Provo, sweating and anxious for any word on my (our) fate.  Who knows where we’re going to live after that?  Not I, but we will.

There are even more things that I wish I knew – what the future holds for us, what I can do to be a good husband and father, what I need to learn to excel in my occupation.  But I can’t know.  That’s what faith is, and I know that faith is exactly what the Lord is going to require us to have.  I do know one thing though: Heather makes me happy beyond words.  And I do my best to reciprocate.  And we’re going to do just fine.  So we may or may not be having an extended honeymoon in New York this summer, who knows?  Either way, I know things’ll work out.  They always do.

Heart making

So we went with Heather Janis the other day to do our engagements – she’s amazing and awesome and incredible and the pictures were pretty darn good as well.  So I added a few to the pictures page if you want to take a look – these are by no means all of them, but I think a good selection.  Disfrútense!


Alrighty people. So it seems that some of the plans are changing!

I think we’ve decided to go with Brown tuxes, so spectators (my lovely heels) don’t really go well with that do they? (The answer is no, and- that stinks!) But all is well, and I’ll just have to find some other heels to wear with my dress…

I guess the next thing isn’t really a change, but…I BOUGHT MY DRESS! I would tell you about it, but I can’t. 😛 Sorry bout that. You’ll just have to wait a couple of more months before seeing it on here. I can tell you a couple of things about it – It’s white, and beautiful. Ha.

Brad and I just got our Engagement photos taken by my AWESOME FRIEND and PHOTOGRAPHER, Heather Janis, so once I get those I might be able to put those up here. I’ve seen some of them already and love her work. Thanks Heather!

We also finally booked our reception hall, it’s in American Fork, UT (I think, ha…) Anyways, it’s a great place who pretty much take care of everything for you. Sweet eh? I think so. Two things that are pretty important to me, are sliced limes in the centerpieces, and Andes mints on the tables. It looks like both of those might be possible!!! Oh and something else that would be awesome, and we’re considering is Chinese lanterns from the chandeliers in the room.

The last thing is probably Bridesmaid outfits… My mom and sister found this really pretty dark brown shirt! So we’re trying to find skirts, but will most likely end up making them. I know to some, it seems weird to do a shirt and skirt, but that is how it has always been when I was a bridesmaid, and this is a more relaxed wedding/reception so, I’d rather my maids (and I don’t mean that in any way demeaning) be able to wear their outfits again on a more frequent basis. Woot! I also bought them little white headbands w/ a little bow on them and some freakin’ awesome bangle watches. 🙂 That makes me happy.

Other than that…. everything is just dandy! I love my family and Brad’s for helping out soooo much with everything. It’s been amazing how little I’ve really had to stress. And amazingly enough, I’m still doing well in my schooling! Yay for me! Ok, well, that’s all I got.

A lot of you know that I am extremely indecisive. So, after a long fought battle with myself, and my roommate, (not really, I just thought that sounded funny…. and I love the visual of an actual fist-fight with her…. oh the hilarity) I have decided to buy TWO PAIRS OF SHOES! I mean really, how on EARTH could I be expected to only wear 4 in. heels all day and at any open house or reception? OW! So I bought the converse… But how can I just have fun and calmness? I need some excitement and unpredictability in my life, and me in four inch heels definitely will provide that! Who knows when I am going to fall on my face. I don’t, but I do know you’ll just wish you could be there to witness such an event. Anyways, so I ended up going with shoe number 5. I know that it wasn’t what y’all voted for, you’ll have to forgive me, but I just thought that they matched Bradley’s shoes pretty much perfectly! Oh what a photo-op. 😀 Alright so thank y’all so much for voting and spending your time and efforts on my behalf! So I’ll put the pictures up again that way you can see them First hand!!

Thanks again!




Due to all of your wonderful input, we’ve decided.  Not on any one of the colors you voted on, but a combination of the highest rated.  Who said we weren’t living in a democracy?  🙂

aren't they pretty?

aren't they pretty?

We get a little weird when we’re doing laundry.

[clearspring_widget title=”” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”497eb0453f725adf” width=”432″ height=”260″ domain=””]

So, pretty much we like to get y’alls opinions on our wedding, if you couldn’t tell, so this time it’s CAKES!! we found some that we really like, but we want your help deciding!

Colors can be varied depending on our wedding colors.

Not sure why the cakes are out of order, but the cake number is the number in the “Cake __” 😛